internet explorer - jQuery hasClass() not working in IE 11 , but works in Chrome and Firefox -

i have below piece of code works in chrome , firefox , in ie 10 , 11 , not working.

also when open developer tools in ie ,it works correctly.

can out?

$("body" ).on( "click", ".js-save-request-meta", function(event) {     event.preventdefault();     var el = $(this);     var meta_value ='meta-value') || $('input[name="meta_value"]').val();      if(el.hasclass('aspect-is-selected')){         $.post( "../ajax/delete_request_meta.php", {meta_value:meta_value,request_id:requestdata.request_id} )         .done(function( data ) {             showmessage( data );                                 });      }else{          $.post( "../ajax/save_request_meta.php", {meta_value:meta_value,request_id:<?=$request['request_id']?> } )           .done(function( data ) {             showmessage( data );                               }                  });      }); 

try adding missing function

var isfunc = $.isfunction($.fn.lettering);  if (!isfunc){   jquery.fn.yourfunctionname = function() {     return new regexp(' ' + classname + ' ').test(' ' + this[0].classname + ' ');   }; } 


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