php - Doctrine2 dont want to insert the columns in the table -

here insert query, how can tell that, created_at(current time-stamp), is_active(default 1) set in mysql db structure needs taken.

when omit $question->setcreatedat($this->createdat); in insert operation shows me integrity constraint violation, know issue?

in questions table:

question:  id question created_by created_at modified_by modified_at is_active 


    <?php      namespace library\entity;      use doctrine\orm\mapping orm;      /**      * base class entities      * class maps id, active, created , modified columns       *      * @author    */ /**  * @orm\mappedsuperclass  */ class baseentity {      /**      * @orm\id      * @orm\generatedvalue      * @orm\column(name="id", type="integer")      * @var integer      */     protected $id;      /**      * @orm\column(name="is_active", type="boolean")      * @var boolean      */     protected $active;      /**      * @orm\column(name="created_at", type="datetime")      * @var datetime      */     protected $createdat;      /**      * @orm\column(name="created_by", type="integer", nullable=true)      * @var integer      */     protected $createdby;      /**      * @orm\column(name="modified_at", type="datetime")      * @var datetime      */     protected $modifiedat;      /**      * @orm\column(name="modified_by", type="integer")      * @var integer      */     protected $modifiedby;      public function getid() {         return $this->id;     }      public function getactive() {         return $this->active;     }      public function getcreatedat() {         return $this->createdat;     }      public function getcreatedby() {         return $this->createdby;     }      public function getmodifiedat() {         return $this->modifiedat;     }      public function getmodifiedby() {         return $this->modifiedby;     }      public function setid($id) {         $this->id = $id;     }      public function setactive($active) {         $this->active = $active;     }      public function setcreatedat($createdat) {         $this->createdat = $createdat;     }      public function setcreatedby($createdby) {         $this->createdby = $createdby;     }      public function setmodifiedat($modifiedat) {         $this->modifiedat = $modifiedat;     }      public function setmodifiedby($modifiedby) {         $this->modifiedby = $modifiedby;     } } 

this question entity:

<?php  namespace survey\entity;  use doctrine\common\collections\arraycollection; use doctrine\orm\mapping orm; use library\entity\baseentity; use survey\entity\survey;  /**  * description of survey questions  *  * @author mubarak  */  /**  * @orm\entity  * @orm\table(name="survey_questions")  */  class question extends baseentity{      /**      * @orm\column(name="question", type="string")      * @var string      */     protected $question;      /**      * @orm\manytoone(targetentity="survey\entity\survey", inversedby="questions")      * @orm\joincolumn(name="survey_id", referencedcolumnname="id")      */     private $surveys;      public function getquestion() {         return $this->question;     }      public function setquestion($question) {         $this->question = $question;     }      public function getsurveys() {         return $this->surveys;     }  //    public function setsurveys(arraycollection $survey) {     public function setsurveys(survey $surveys = null) {         $this->surveys = $surveys;     }  //    public function __tostring() { //        return __class__ . ": [id: {$this->id}, name: {$this->name}]"; //    } } 

here insert operation:

public function insertquestion($userid, $survey, $questionarr) {         try{             $question = new question();             $question->setquestion($questionarr['question']);             $question->setsurveys($survey);             $question->setactive(1);             $question->setcreatedby($userid);             $question->setcreatedat($this->createdat);             $question->setmodifiedby($userid);             $question->setmodifiedat($this->modifiedat);             $this->entitymanager->persist($question);             $this->entitymanager->flush();             return $question;         }catch(exception $ex){            throw new exception("couldnt insert question");         }     } 

this ok, working properly, dont want insert created_at, modified_at

public function insertquestion($userid, $survey, $questionarr) {             try{                 $question = new question();                 $question->setquestion($questionarr['question']);                 $question->setsurveys($survey);                 $question->setactive(1);                 $question->setcreatedby($userid);                 $question->setmodifiedby($userid);                 $this->entitymanager->persist($question);                 $this->entitymanager->flush();                 return $question;             }catch(exception $ex){                throw new exception("couldnt insert question");             }         } 

if want set default values best set them in object model possible.

/**  * @orm\column(name="is_active", type="boolean")  * @var boolean  */ protected $active = true; 

for time-stamps though bit of different story...
suggest take @ the gedmo doctrine extensions library includes solutions createdat , other common columns model. no need reinvent wheel... .


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