wordpress - How to add metabox.io inside posttype / postmeta? -

i try integrate metabox.io in own custom postmeta plugin,

i tried move add filter code plugin file,

add_filter( 'rwmb_meta_boxes', 'your_prefix_meta_boxes' ); function your_prefix_meta_boxes( $meta_boxes ) {     $meta_boxes[] = array(         'title'      => __( 'test meta box', 'textdomain' ),         'post_types' => 'post',         'fields'     => array(             array(                 'id'   => 'name',                 'name' => __( 'name', 'textdomain' ),                 'type' => 'text',             ),             array(                 'id'      => 'gender',                 'name'    => __( 'gender', 'textdomain' ),                 'type'    => 'radio',                 'options' => array(                     'm' => __( 'male', 'textdomain' ),                     'f' => __( 'female', 'textdomain' ),                 ),             ),             array(                 'id'   => 'email',                 'name' => __( 'email', 'textdomain' ),                 'type' => 'email',             ),             array(                 'id'   => 'bio',                 'name' => __( 'biography', 'textdomain' ),                 'type' => 'textarea',             ),         ),     );     return $meta_boxes; } 

but metabox shown in main post not in postmeta?

how add metabox.io in custom postmeta?

assuming read question right, trying add own metabox plugin uses.

given that, mess around filters , code puts data, might better off forking project github , rewriting interface suits needs. of course assuming license allows it.

having used plugin before though, should able customize how looks , functions on dashboard writing admin hooks , filters well.

if wrong asking, let me know , i'll try again.


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