r - knit2pdf failing to produce pdf in Shiny Apps -

as title states, attempting create shiny application can generate pdf file user can download. (note not duplicate question because have not found question similar error)

in search solution, found gist knitr package author: https://gist.github.com/yihui/6091942, attempting recreate. there questions on s.o use same code, out = knit2pdf('input.rnw', clean = true) of them seem date before 3.2.3 release of r.

the error given is:

output file: input.tex  warning: running command '"pdflatex" -interaction=nonstopmode "input.tex"' had status 1 error in texi2dvi(file = file, pdf = true, clean = clean, quiet = quiet,  :    unable run 'pdflatex' on 'input.tex' warning: error in texi2dvi: unable run 'pdflatex' on 'input.tex' stack trace (innermost first):     52: texi2dvi     51: tools::texi2pdf     50: knit2pdf     49: download$func [d:...\app-2/server.r#44]      1: shiny::runapp 

what have tried far:

updating r, rstudio, knitr package , tex distribution (texlive). know texlive not issue use daily, , can create dummy .rnw compile using compile pdf button in r studio. have tried using knit() or render() , generate .tex files without giving error. have changed working directory app folder suggested s.o. question, didn't solve problem either.

edit, additional information: using windows 10

any suggestions welcome!

i don't think texlive working completely. on windows, rstudio recommends using miktex, , so pandoc.


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