android - how to get best current address from List<Address> for same latitude and longitude? -

i building android application detects user's current location.i able best location.but not getting best address when doing this:

list<address> addresses = gc.getfromlocation(lat, lng, 1); 

when retrieving more 1 address same latitude , longitude 1 of address correct.

list<address> addresses = gc.getfromlocation(lat, lng, 3); 

my question how compare list of addresses received best current address.any suggestion highly appreciated.thanks in advance.

getfromlocation returns result or results depends on maxresults paramater. if set 1 1 result, if set 3 3 results (if there are).

but can not know best, can assume 1. best


latitude latitude point search

longitude longitude point search

maxresults max number of addresses return. smaller numbers (1 5) recommended


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