c# - How to refer to the actual element in foreach? -

i used following code step through ienumerable.

ienumerable<thing> things = ...; foreach (thing thing in things)   thing = method(thing); 

the compiler disagrees since i'm referring thing iterating variable. of course, intend affect underlying object in list, instead. how do that?

for now, went work-around using numerated iteration there 2 issues there. one, it's not coding imho. besides that, requires me change things ienumerable ilist (or should using list?!), will bite in lower when things big.

//list<thing> things = ...; ilist<thing> things = ...; (int = 0; < things.count(); i++)   things[i] = method(things[i]); 

you can project sequence linq:

 var transformedthings = things.select(t => method(t)); 


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