credit card - Paypal Payments Standard without creating Paypal account -

i want sell media, , chose paypal payments standard it.

according official documentation buyer can make purchase without paypal account. enter card number/cvc, name , other fields , buy.

but when click on "buy now" button created paypal button editor - gives 2 options: "pay paypal account" or "create paypal account". there no option pay without creating paypal account.

i want not force buyer make account , fill lot of fields. card number, expiration date, cvc , maybe first/last name - that's necessary , sufficient. how make possible?

if country country supports feature allows buyers pay credit card without having paypal account, need enable paypal account optional in account.

this can done logging account , going profile.
once on profile page, need go website payment preferences.
may under selling tools, depending on type of account have.
once on website payment preferences page, want set paypal account optional "on". allow buyers pay credit card.

keep in mind work supported countries. additionally, email address must confirmed , must not setting subscription, recurring payment or billing agreement.


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