Mybatis doesn't return all rows, return just 1 row -

here mybatis query

<select id="selecttotalstatelist" resultmap="baseresultmap" > select    a.loffice_no   ,(select soffice_name office loffice_no = a.loffice_no) office_name   ,nvl(count(decode(a.total_type,'00',1)),0) auto0   ,nvl(count(decode(a.total_type,'01',1)),0) auto1   ,nvl(count(decode(a.total_type,'02',1)),0) auto2   ,nvl(count(decode(a.total_type,'03',1)),0) auto3   ,nvl(count(decode(a.total_type,'04',1)),0) auto4   ,nvl(count(decode(a.total_type,'05',1)),0) auto5   ,nvl(count(decode(a.total_type,1,1)),0) aws   ,nvl(count(decode(a.total_type,2,1)),0) text   knpsaws.tbl_disaster_warning_card   group rollup(a.loffice_no)   order a.loffice_no   </select> 

and here app log query

select a.loffice_no ,(select soffice_name office loffice_no = a.loffice_no) office_name  ,nvl(count(decode(a.total_type,'00',1)),0) htype ,nvl(count(decode(a.total_type,'01',1)),0)  detailed_type ,nvl(count(decode(a.total_type,'02',1)),0) total_type ,nvl(count(decode(a.total_type,'03',1)),0)  auto3 ,nvl(count(decode(a.total_type,'04',1)),0) sea_level ,nvl(count(decode(a.total_type,'05',1)),0)  region_name ,nvl(count(decode(a.total_type,1,1)),0) width ,nvl(count(decode(a.total_type,2,1)),0)  length knpsaws.tbl_disaster_warning_card group rollup(a.loffice_no) order a.loffice_no  

these same query expected.

it's real returning result on sql developer

4   aa  0   0   0   0   0   0   0   1 6   dd  1   0   0   0   0   0   1   0         1   0   0   0   0   0   1   1 

but mybatis return first row.

i've never experienced such before t.t

that resultmap fine...cuz i've used map without problem. how can fix it?

public list<classname> selecttotalstatelist(); 


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