node.js - How to parse handshake cookie -

i using along express sessions. using middleware cookie in header, like:

io.use(function(socket, next) { console.log(socket.handshake.headers.cookie); next(); 

}); puts console:

io=eljqk5v7q-jjz5d_aaaa; connect.sid=s%3a17faf004-46c7-4219-9dac-81853ada8cab.zzfpl%2bphy9hnxemdclesngebuzyu9mowvbznebuhzka 

ok, great! have cookie, how information out of it. thoroughly confused.

my session initialized this:

app.use(session({ //using express-session genid: function(req) {     return uuid.v4(); }, secret: 'operation', resave: false, saveuninitialized: true 


i've searched far , wide on simple explanation, have not found one. required use sessionstore? if why? i've tried different modules supposedly set handle this, far none of them have worked. using mongodb, wouldn't mind storing them there if necessary, want avoid using redis handle others have.

after hours , hours, days , days of searching solution problem found solution work. if has similar issues encourage them use module. works great! saved me lot of frustration. of other modules have tried did not work , more complicated wanted them be.


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