Logging during calling state in Android -

everyboday. trying log information such phonenumber, calling time , on during calling state in android. tried build codes following below:

package com.test.dialuplog;  import android.content.broadcastreceiver; import android.content.context; import android.content.intent; import android.telephony.phonestatelistener; import android.telephony.telephonymanager; import android.util.log; import android.widget.toast;  public class incomingbroadcastreceiver extends broadcastreceiver {      string mphonenumber;     public static incomingbroadcastreceiver pthis;      @override         public void onreceive(context context, intent intent) {              telephonymanager telephonymanager = (telephonymanager) context.getsystemservice(context.telephony_service);             telephonymanager.listen(new customphonestatelistener(context), phonestatelistener.listen_call_state);          }        public class customphonestatelistener extends phonestatelistener {              //private static final string tag = "phonestatechanged";             context context; //context make toast if required              public customphonestatelistener(context context) {                 super();                 this.context = context;             }              @override             public void oncallstatechanged(int state, string incomingnumber) {                 super.oncallstatechanged(state, incomingnumber);                  switch (state) {                 case telephonymanager.call_state_idle:                     //when idle i.e no call                     toast.maketext(context, "phone state idle", toast.length_long).show();                     break;                 case telephonymanager.call_state_offhook:                     //when off hook i.e in call                     //make intent , start service here                     toast.maketext(context, "phone state off hook", toast.length_long).show();                     break;                 case telephonymanager.call_state_ringing:                     //when ringing                     toast.maketext(context, "phone state ringing", toast.length_long).show();                     break;                 default:                     break;                 }             }         }  } 

and wrote codes in androidmanifest.xml this:

 <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.call_phone" />    <application         android:allowbackup="true"         android:icon="@drawable/ic_launcher"         android:label="@string/app_name"         android:theme="@android:style/theme.black.notitlebar.fullscreen">           <receiver android:name=".incomingbroadcastreceiver">             <intent-filter>                     <action android:name="android.intent.action.phone_state"/>                  </intent-filter>         </receiver>          <activity             android:name=".splashactivity"             android:configchanges="orientation"             android:screenorientation="portrait"             android:label="@string/app_name" >             <intent-filter>                 <action android:name="android.intent.action.main" />                 <category android:name="android.intent.category.launcher" />             </intent-filter>         </activity> </application>  

after coded, called phone different one. nothing happened, codes followed open source, nothing happened. there has experienced? if is, please teach me wrong. thank you.


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