php - Concrete5 package helper - How to fix Fatal error: Call to undefined method NavigationHelper::getURLSegment() error? -
sorry, we've looked @ million answers either don't understand them or don't apply.
navigation helper:
we have concrete5 package , have created helper file at: /packages/package-name/helpers/navigation.php
it contains following:
<?php defined('c5_execute') or die('access denied') ?> <?php class navigationhelper { // url segments public function geturlsegments() { return explode("/", parse_url($_server['request_uri'], php_url_path)); } // specific url segment public function geturlsegment($n) { $segs = $this->geturlsegments(); return count($segs) > 0 && count($segs) >= ($n-1)?$segs[$n]:''; } }
loading helper
then have element file load package helper this:
$navhelper = loader::helper('navigation','package-name');
calling method
but when try call method this:
if ($navhelper->geturlsegment(1) == 'whats-on') { echo "what's on"; }
we see:
fatal error: call undefined method navigationhelper::geturlsegment()
we've been starring @ method , package names hour missing basic - missing?
any appreciated.
for else having problem, custom tool files can't have same file name c5 tools.
being used c5 changing file name of custom file made work.
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