python - TypeError: Scalar value for argument 'color' is not numeric in openCV -

here code

im = cv2.imread('luffy.jpg') gray = cv2.cvtcolor(im,cv2.color_bgr2gray) ret,thresh = cv2.threshold(gray,127,255,0)  contours,h = cv2.findcontours(thresh,cv2.retr_tree,cv2.chain_approx_simple)  cnt in contours:     moment = cv2.moments(cnt)     c_y = moment['m10']/(moment['m00']+0.01)     c_x = moment['m01']/(moment['m00']+0.01)     centroid_color = im[c_x,c_y]     centroid_color = np.array((centroid_color[0],centroid_color[1],centroid_color[2]))     print type(centroid_color)     cv2.fillpoly(im,cnt,centroid_color) 

i getting error on last line try , pass centroid_color color argument. <type 'numpy.ndarray'> , have been able pass data type cv2.fillpoly color in other instances, not sure why having problem here.

fillpoly() expects iterable, i.e. put cnt in brackets. believe duplicate of

moreover, centroid color variable contains strings. need convert them integers.

centroid_color = np.array((int(centroid_color[0]),int(centroid_color[1]),int(centroid_color[2])))


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