serialization - Converting to correctly formatted JSON -
i've been tasked calling api, needs take json payload request.. example format of json follows:
{ "method":"methodname", "in":[ { "account":"acme", "context":"abc123" }, "content", { "msearchtext":"chocolate", "mitemdataids":[ "entry:id", "entry:entryref", "entry:categoryid" ] } ] }
i using (newstonsoft) construct json .net objects. issue facing correctly constructing "in" section.. appears array of objects, second item has title ("content",{.....})..
the closest can is:
{ "method": "methodname", "in":[ { "account": "pando", "context": "sdfsd22342" }, { "msearchtext":"chocolate", "mitemdataids":[ "entry:id", "entry:entryref", "entry:categoryid" ] } ] }
which identical apart "content", missing:
my code far is:
public class payload { public string method { get; set; } [jsonproperty("in")] public list<object> items { get; set; } } public class accountdetails { public string account { get; set; } public string context { get; set; } } [jsonobject(title = "content")] public class content { public string msearchtext { get; set; } public string[] mitemdataids { get; set; } } payload payload = new payload(); payload.method = "methodname"; payload.items = new list<object>(); payload.items.add(new accountdetails { account = "acme", context = "abc123" }); content conent = new content { msearchtext = "chocolate", mitemdataids = new string[] { "entry:id", "entry:entryref", "entry:categoryid" } }; payload.items.add(conent); string jsonobject = jsonconvert.serializeobject(payload, formatting.indented);
any suggestions on can do?
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