symfony - Query Exception when select on entity where ForeignKey is NULL in a ManyToMany Doctrine queryBuilder() -
in symfony project, have 2 entites product.php
, configuration.php
it's manytomany
this relation in product.php
/** * @var \doctrine\common\collections\collection * * @orm\manytomany(targetentity="configuration", inversedby="products") * @orm\jointable(name="product_configuration", * joincolumns={@orm\joincolumn(name="product_id", referencedcolumnname="product_id", nullable=true)}, * inversejoincolumns={@orm\joincolumn(name="configuration_id", referencedcolumnname="configuration_id")} * ) **/ protected $configurations;
and configuration.php
/** * describes products using $this configuration * * @var \doctrine\common\collections\collection * * @orm\manytomany(targetentity="product", mappedby="configurations") **/ protected $products;
in page, need recover products wich do not have configurations, e-g fk configurations null.
so create querybuilder()/dql in productrepository.php
public function getproductforcurrentworktype($slug) { // first product configurations $selectproduct = $this->getentitymanager()->createquerybuilder(); $selectproduct ->select('p, wt, c') ->from('mybundle:product', 'p') ->join('p.worktype', 'wt', 'with', ' = p.worktype') ->join('p.configurations', 'c') ->where('wt.slug = :slug') ->setparameters(array('slug' => $slug)); // apply filter configurations null ptoduct. // products not in ids of first request $nullconfiguration = $this->getentitymanager()->createquerybuilder(); $nullconfiguration ->select('') ->from('mybundle:product', 'pr') ->where($nullconfiguration->expr()->notin('', $selectproduct->getdql())); return $nullconfiguration->getquery()->getresult(); }
the fist step works if return first query e-g $selectproduct
. retuns me on product wich have configuration $slug
. if return second query (the code below), error occured:
2/2 [syntax error] line 0, col 69: error: expected doctrine\orm\query\lexer::t_from, got ','
1/2 queryexception: select pr mybundle:product pr not in(select p, wt, c mybundle:product p inner join p.worktype wt = p.worktype inner join p.configurations c wt.slug = :slug)
how can fix error ?
another solution tried, in productrepository.php
$selectproduct = $this->getentitymanager()->createquerybuilder(); $selectproduct ->select('p, wt, c') ->from('mybundle:product', 'p') ->join('p.worktype', 'wt', 'with', ' = p.worktype') ->join('p.configurations', 'c') ->having('count( = 0') // check if collection empty ->where('wt.slug = :slug') ->setparameters(array('slug' => $slug)); return $selectproduct ->getquery() ->getresult();
and controller if :
$em = $this->getdoctrine()->getmanager(); $arrayproduct = $this->getdoctrine()->getrepository('mybundle:product')->getproductforcurrentworktype($slug); if (!$arrayproduct) { throw $this->createnotfoundexception('unable find product !'); } //return statement
this code below returns me unable find product !, if remove if condition throw $this->createnotfoundexception
, page displaying right no results.
try 1 :
$qb->select('p') ->from('product','p') ->leftjoin('p.configurations','c') ->having('count( = 0') // check if collection empty ->groupby('');
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