haskell - cabal unable to find hakyll ==4.7.* on Travis-CI -

i trying set-up github pages site using hakyll looks cabal unable resolve dependency when run in travis.

everything appears working locally, when attempt integrate travis project looks required dependency cannot resolved (it can resolved in dev. environment, however).

it looks cabal cannot find hakyll ==4.7.* on travis though dependency defined in cabal file. know obvious mistake might be? maybe need use stack instead of cabal?

i've included partial log travis here (and full travis log here):

...     resolving dependencies...     configuring tylerjfisher-github-io-     cabal: @ least following dependencies missing:     hakyll ==4.7.*     travis_time:end:097fdfc3:start=1453342815270747376,finish=1453342815885794604,duration=615047228     [0k     [31;1mthe command "cabal configure --disable-library-profiling --disable-tests --disable-library-coverage --disable-benchmarks --disable-split-objs" failed , exited 1 during .[0m ... 

the following cabal file using collect dependencies github pages site.

name:               tylerjfisher-github-io version:   build-type:         simple cabal-version:      >= 1.10  executable site   main-is:          site.hs   build-depends:    base == 4.*                   , hakyll == 4.7.*   ghc-options:      -threaded   default-language: haskell2010 

the travis.yml file using follows, , came tutorial on using hakyll. know using tutorials frowned upon, i'm new haskell.

language: haskell sudo: required ghc: 7.8 branches:   only:   - source before_install: - git submodule foreach --recursive 'git checkout master; git ls-files | grep -v readme   | grep -v cname | xargs -r git rm' install: - curl http://bin.begriffs.com/hakyll/cabal-sandbox.tar.xz | tar xj - cabal sandbox init - cabal configure --disable-library-profiling --disable-tests --disable-library-coverage --disable-benchmarks --disable-split-objs before_script: - git config --global user.email "$git_email" - git config --global user.name "$git_name" script: cabal run -j build after_script: - cd _site - export remote=$(git config remote.origin.url | sed 's/.*:\/\///') - git remote add github https://${gh_token}@${remote} - git add --all - git status - git commit -m "built travis ( build $travis_build_number )" - git push github master:master | grep -v http deploy:   provider: github   api-key:     secure: 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