java - State of required bundle resolved instead of active -

i have bundle depends on bundle b. when code in bundle runs , accesses class bundle b state of bundle b resolved (4) instead of active (32) , activator of bundle b didn't run well. assume there's wrong manifest of bundle b can't quite spot it.

this manifest of bundle b, generated bnd.

manifest-version: 1.0 export-package: org.jboss.logging;uses:="org.osgi.framework,org.eclips  e.equinox.log,org.jboss.logmanager,org.apache.log4j,org.slf4j.spi,org  .slf4j";version="3.2.0.beta1-snapshot" build-timestamp: sun, 17 mar 2013 15:07:31 +0100 tool: bnd-0.0.357 bundle-name: jboss logging 3 created-by: 1.7.0_10 (oracle corporation) bundle-vendor: jboss red hat scm-revision: 9e799bac390dbbf9c7cd55afe93dff9265fbed05 bundle-version: 3.2.0.beta1-snapshot bnd-lastmodified: 1363529254048 bundle-manifestversion: 2 bundle-activator: org.jboss.logging.activator bundle-description: jboss logging framework bundle-license: bundle-symbolicname: org.jboss.logging.jboss-logging import-package: org.apache.log4j;resolution:=optional,org.eclipse.equi  nox.log;resolution:=optional;version="1.0",org.jboss.logging;version=  "3.2",org.jboss.logmanager;resolution:=optional,org.osgi.framework;ve  rsion="1.7",org.slf4j;resolution:=optional;version="1.6",org.slf4j.sp  i;resolution:=optional;version="1.6" bundle-docurl: 

this manifest of bundle generated pde.

manifest-version: 1.0 bundle-manifestversion: 2 bundle-name: sample-view bundle-symbolicname: sample-view; singleton:=true bundle-version: 1.0.0.qualifier require-bundle: org.eclipse.core.runtime,  org.eclipse.ui,  org.jboss.logging.jboss-logging bundle-requiredexecutionenvironment: javase-1.7 

sigh. bet run on equinox. in eternal wisdom eclipse guys decided not start bundles, being afraid overload system. trying bundle started overly complex in eclipse. however, in case there simple solution: osgi activation policy. start bundle when first class loaded. add b

bundle-activationpolicy: lazy 


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