.net - WinCE Remove App still calls the EXE on startup -

i having issue uninstalling application ce devices.

i have shcreateshortcut on application initialization shcreateshortcut(@"\windows\startup\daemon.lnk", "\"" + "program files\daemon\daemon.exe" + "\"");

i uninstall it, after reboot device still asks run. following message: the file "daemon" cannot opened. either not signed trusted certificate, or 1 of it's components cannot found. if problem persists, try reinstalling or restoring file

i want know if there proper way un-install application, how prevent issue happening?

i know if there way in uninstaller remove startup link or on installer of next version.

of course. way it, program creates shortcut, not installer. installer not know should remove shortcut, too, startup shortcut remains on device , upon every restart, system tries run application, still linked in startup folder.

instead of having program create shortcut, need have installer create shortcut (and remove code creates shortcut application).

to have installer create shortcut, right-click cab setup project , select "view > file system" (may called differently, i'm using german visual studio, i'm sure you'll find it).

this brings editor can select file should go. can either add shortcut predefined "start menu" folder, can add folder tree right-clicking, or can manually add windows/startup creating new folders in folder tree.


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