vb.net - How to create a copy of mdb access and convert it's copy into csv on a same folder? -

conns = new oledb.oledbconnection("provider=microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0;" & "data source=" + newpath + "\ddcos.mdb")

    if not file.exists(newpath + "\ddcos.mdb")         catnewdb.create("provider=microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0;" & "data source=" + newpath + "\ddcos.mdb")         dim cmdd new oledb.oledbcommand("create table ddcos( " & _            "recnum int identity," & "zipfile nvarchar(50)," & "dvdname nvarchar(50)," & "seqno1 nvarchar(50)," & "seqno2 nvarchar(50)," & _         "jobcode nvarchar(50)," & "clientcode nvarchar(50)," & "totalimages nvarchar(50)," & "totalrecs nvarchar(50)," & "batchcount nvarchar(50)," & "batchdate nvarchar(50)," & "batchsize nvarchar(50)," & "constraint [pk_recnum] primary key (recnum)) ", conns)         conns.open()            cmdd.executenonquery()          conns.close()         gc.collect()         gc.waitforpendingfinalizers()     end if 

the above code code on creating database. , i'm create copy on , convert copy csv. can help?

dim countofmdb = directory.enumeratefiles(path, "*.mdb").count() 


dim countofmdb = directory.getfiles(path, "*.mdb").length 

if want include sub-directories:

dim countofmdb = directory.getfiles(path, "*.mdb", system.io.searchoption.alldirectories).length 


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