c - error: expected ‘:’, ‘,’, ‘;’, ‘}’ or ‘__attribute__’ before ‘=’ token & error: expected ‘)’ before ‘va’ -

i compiling below c , .h codes in gcc terminal (centos linux) atm project received below errors. please new programming.

validate_acc.h #ifndef _validate_acc_ #define _validate_acc_  struct validate_acc { int user_acc_try, = 0;  int user_has_not_entered_right_acc = 1;  int retries = 3;   };   typedef struct validate_acc validate_acc;       #endif 


validate_acc.c  #include<stdio.h>  #include "validate_acc.h"    extern int account_number;    void (validate_acc va) {   va.user_acc_try, va.i = 0; va.user_has_not_entered_right_acc = 1; va.retries = 3;     while(va.retries > 0 && va.user_has_not_entered_right_acc == 1){                printf("\nplease enter account number: ");                scanf("%d", &va.user_acc_try);                 if(va.user_acc_try != account_number){                                    printf("you entered wrong     account      number\n");                                va.retries--;                                }                else{                va.user_has_not_entered_right_acc = 0;                }                }  } 


[linux@localhost assignment1]$ gcc -c validate_acc.c in file included validate_acc.c:2:0: validate_acc.h:5:23: error: expected ‘:’, ‘,’, ‘;’, ‘}’ or   ‘__attribute__’ before ‘=’ token   int user_acc_try, = 0;                    ^ validate_acc.c:6:20: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘va’  void (validate_acc va) 

structure type declarations not support initializers, such trying provide. moreover, intializers structure objects expressed quite differently trying do. struct declaration should have form:

struct validate_acc {     int user_acc_try;     int i;     int user_has_not_entered_right_acc;     int retries; }; 

that declares type, not (in itself) object associated storage initialize. that's why can declare type alias have done:

typedef struct validate_acc validate_acc; 

if want perform initialization of objects of type must on per-object basis, so:

struct validate_acc validate_object = { 0, 0, 1, 3 }; 

or, using typedefed alias:

validate_acc validate_object = { 0, 0, 1, 3 }; 

perhaps idea provide default values structure's members, c not have such feature. can create shortcut initialization macro, however, such as

#define validate_acc_defaults { 0, 0, 1, 3 } 

. do

struct validate_acc validate_object = validate_acc_defaults; 

that doesn't shorten code in case, make clearer. supposing put macro definition in same header structure declaration, provides central place can change default initialization values.


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