eclipse - Google App Engine (GAE) WEB-INF/lib order -

hey guys i'm working on project google app engine. data devices we're using mqtt. org.eclipse.paho.client.mqttv3.* library starts thread "client.connect()". after researches found cant create threads when working gae. following error shown: access denied ("java.lang.runtimepermission" "modifythreadgroup")

so continued searching , told use following code instead of "normal" thread:

thread monitoringthread = threadmanager.createthreadforcurrentrequest( new runnable() {..}

so decompiled paho library, looked thread created , changed it. created new class exported mymqttclient.jar in eclipse changed order of build @ properties -> java build path -> order , export mymqttclient.jar loaded before mqtt-client-0.4.0.jar use created function monitoringthread.

but how can change order of .jar's in web-inf/lib ?

thank answers, couldnt find useful until now.

firstly there no need decompile of paho code available here.

since can clean source, why not modify original class , rebuild jar file, don't need worry messing classpath class load first?


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