jquery - Duplex WCF Service call using javascript (AJAX) -

now working wcf rest service

now trying wcf duplex communication in wcf rest service

currently calling service through jquery ajax , getting response it

like this:

 $.ajax({         type: vartype, //get or post or put or delete verb         url: varurl, // location of service         data: vardata, //data sent server         contenttype: varcontenttype, // content type sent server         datatype: vardatatype, //expected data format server         processdata: varprocessdata, //true or false         crossdomain: true,         cache: varcache,         timeout: 200000,         success:  function (response) {// when service call success                  var names = response.d;                  alert(names);              },         error: function (xhr) {// when service call fails           alert(xhr.responsetext);         }     }); 

but in duplex communication there call contract in service service communicate later client.

how can response of call contract in jquery ajax ?

also have 1 doubt, webhttpbinding support duplex communication ?

how can response of call contract in jquery ajax ?

imho receive call service client via http signalr should used. uses push technology, long-pulling , other allow this. way emulate repeatedly calling service changes.

it seems hard via wsdualhttpbinding supports duplex communication. please see note juval lowy in "programming wcf" book states binding: "duplex callbacks nonstandard, there no industry reference states how client endpoint address passed ser­vice or how service publishes callback contract in first place."

also have 1 doubt, webhttpbinding support duplex communication ?

i believe not supported there. webhttpbinding not support sessions (reliablesession property) , required duplex communication (see system-provided bindings).

and btw webhttpbinding superseded asp.net webapi.


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