php - How to sum value of array if some values are same? -

i have following array

array (     [0] => 1995,17500     [1] => 2052,17500     [2] => 2052,17500     [3] => 2236,30000     [4] => 2235,15000     [5] => 2235,40000 ); 

i have exploded value comma ,.

foreach($array $key=>$value) {        $newar = explode(',', $value); } 

so have similar first value i.e $newar["0"]. example 2235 , 2052. , have sum of second value i.e $newar["1"].

how can achieve following result php.

array (    [0] => 1995, 17500    [1] => 2052, 35000    [2] => 2036, 30000    [3] => 2235, 55000 ) 

you can create new array key/index based , use array_key_exists check if key exists. if sum value, if not create key. not exact result want, it's neater.

$newar = []; //new array  foreach($array $value) {      $explarr = explode(',', $value);       if(array_key_exists($explarr[0], $newar)){ //check if key exists         $newar[$explarr[0]] += $explarr[1]; //sum value existing key      } else {         $newar[$explarr[0]] = $explarr[1]; //create key      } } 

your result array this:

array (    [1995] => 17500    [2052] => 35000    [2036] => 30000    [2235] => 55000 ) 


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