php - Javascript eval() doesn't work as expected -

i'm fetching data php function in json format.

 var xhreq = new xmlhttprequest();"get", "http://myserver/getjson", false);  xhreq.send(null);  var serverresponse = xhreq;  var jsondata=eval("("+serverresponse.responsetext+")") //retrieve result javascript object   images="";   for(var i=0; i<jsondata.length;i++)  {   images+="  ['"+jsondata[i].title+"','"+imagesroot+"121a.png"+"']";        if(i<jsondata.length-1)         images+=",";  } 

im getting data in following format.

['title 1',''], ['title 2',''], ['title 3',''], ['title 4',''] 

finally when im assigning data array using eval()

var tinymceimagelist = new array(eval(images)); 

it show last element of array ['title 4',''].

i want every element of array assigned.

a simple solution be

var tinymceimagelist = eval('['+serverresponse.responsetext+']'); 


var tinymceimagelist = json.parse(     '['+serverresponse.responsetext.replace(/'/g, '"')+']' ); 

but better solution generate json adding missing [ , ] , using proper quotes, allow use json.parse directly. note php comes in standard tools generate json.


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