Django - include template tags -

currently i'm using template include in main template display form , submit back. problem none of submit buttons work inside template if placed inside main template.

my code is:

  {% csrf_token %} {{ exampleform.management_form }}   {% form in exampleform %}   <form onsubmit="return false;" method="get" class="exasubmit" enctype="multipart/form-data">     <div id="example1" type="hidden">       {{ exampleform.management_form }}         ( {{ form.letterofword }} + {{ form.keytouse }} ) mod 26 =           {{ form.lettertofill }} <button name="action" class="validatebutton" value="validate"> validate </button>  <br>         </div>       </form>   {% endfor %} 

the validate button not anything. works when call in main template , not inside include template. tips?

this might help

  {% csrf_token %} {{ exampleform.management_form }}   <form onsubmit="return false;" method="get" class="exasubmit" enctype="multipart/form-data">   {% form in exampleform %}     <div id="example1" type="hidden">       {{ exampleform.management_form }}         ( {{ form.letterofword }} + {{ form.keytouse }} ) mod 26 =           {{ form.lettertofill }} <br>         </div>    {% endfor %} <button name="action" class="validatebutton" value="validate"> validate     </button>  </form>  


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