java - Hibernate - Property being many-to-one and component at the same time? -
i'm new hibernate, migrating mybatis. i've customer bean, i'm trying save (insert) using xml mapping. shorter version of code:
public class customer { private integer id; private string code; private systemobject systemobject = new systemobject(); } public class systemobject { private integer objectid; private integer useridcreate; private integer useridupdate; private date createdate; private date updatedate; private workspace workspace = new workspace(); } public class workspace { private integer id; private string code; private string name; }
as can see, customer has systemobject. systemobject general object, beans across code has one. systemobject has workspace.
the problem is, table customer, has reference object, , workspace too. in "objects world", workspace id doing getsystemobject().getworkspace().getid(), don't know how in hibernate
tables (currently on postgresql):
create table customer ( customer_id int4 not null, object_id int4 not null, workspace_id int4 not null, code varchar(100) not null, constraint pk_customer primary key (customer_id), constraint ak_cus_code unique (workspace_id, code) ); create table object ( object_id int4 not null, workspace_id int4 not null, user_id_create int4 not null, user_id_update int4 not null, create_date date not null, update_date date not null, constraint pk_object primary key (object_id) ); create table workspace ( workspace_id int4 not null, code varchar(100) not null, name varchar(100) not null, constraint pk_workspace primary key (workspace_id), constraint ak_ws_code unique (code) ); alter table customer add constraint fk_cus_obj foreign key (object_id) references object (object_id) on delete restrict on update restrict; alter table customer add constraint fk_cus_ws foreign key (workspace_id) references workspace (workspace_id) on delete restrict on update restrict; alter table object add constraint fk_obj_ws foreign key (workspace_id) references workspace (workspace_id) on delete restrict on update restrict;
and, mapping customer object:
<class name="" table="customer"> <id name="id" column="customer_id" > <generator class="increment"></generator> </id> <property name="code" column="code" /> <many-to-one name="systemobject" class="" column="object_id" unique="true" not-null="true" lazy="false" cascade="all" ></many-to-one> </class>
code in main:
session session = hibernatesessionmanager.getsessionfactory().getcurrentsession(); transaction transaction = session.begintransaction(); customer anew = new customer(); anew.setcode("new test"); systemobjectmanager.preparesystemobject(anew); //this line sets values systemobject inside customer anew.getsystemobject().getworkspace().setid(1);; transaction.commit();
this way, hibernate tries insert both objects, customer , systemobject, fails because customer has null @ workspace_id column:
(sorry, error in spanish)
caused by: org.postgresql.util.psqlexception: error: el valor null para la columna «workspace_id» viola la restricción not null detail: la fila que falla contiene (3, 8, null, 'new test').
then, tried way. added getworkspaceid() in systemobject (just try , simplify 1 step) , changed mapping this:
<class name="" table="customer"> <id name="id" column="customer_id" > <generator class="increment"></generator> </id> <property name="code" column="code" /> <component name="systemobject" class="" > <property name="workspaceid" column="workspace_id" /> </component> <many-to-one name="systemobject" class="" column="object_id" unique="true" not-null="true" lazy="false" cascade="all" ></many-to-one> </class>
that doesn't start:
caused by: org.hibernate.mappingexception: duplicate property mapping of systemobject found in
but know work, because if delete "many-to-one", value workspace_id column present in insert statement (but fails not having object_id)
so... have property, need many-to-one relationship , component @ same time, hibernate doesn't that. there way solve particular situation? or i've write custom insert using named query?
the bean should be
public class customer { private integer id; private string code; private systemobject systemobject = new systemobject(); private workspace workspace= new workspace (); }
and mapping should be
<class name="" table="customer"> <id name="id" column="customer_id" > <generator class="increment"></generator> </id> <property name="code" column="code" /> <component name="workspace" class="" > <property name="workspaceid" column="workspace_id" /> </component> <many-to-one name="systemobject" class="" column="object_id" unique="true" not-null="true" lazy="false" cascade="all" ></many-to-one> </class>
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