Remote deploy artifact to Jboss AS using JRebel -

just trying setup remote deployment of projects jboss 4.2.1 using jrebel.

after enabling jrebel project in eclipse along remoting feature, asks deployed app's url in server. how know url of project can mention in jrebel remoting section?

i thought of looking in jmx console project jar reside in lib folder of ear that's deployed server, wasn't able locate there. can me out?

jrebel remoting requires http facing component function. makes use of http protocol using same port web container. means 0 conf (sort of) , no holes poke firewall, downside won't work apps no war module in them (yet :)).

i assume app jar file inside ear. needs war module in ear. war not need have rebel.xml nor rebel-remote.xml in it. create war if 1 not exist.

the url address have enter in web browser access webapp. example

also make sure have rebel.xml , rebel-remote.xml in deployed library project (simply creating them in eclipse not enough, 2 xml files have end in server).

also, need install , activate jrebel on remote server machine, start jboss following jvm arguments: -javaagent:path/to/jrebel.jar -drebel.remoting_plugin=true path/to/jrebel.jar points installed jrebel.jar file

more info:

in case layout of ear this:

- myapp.ear     - webapp.war     - someejb.jar     - lib/        - yourapp.jar           - web-inf/classes/              - rebel.xml              - rebel-remote.xml         - someotherlib.jar 



jrebel remoting tech lead


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