html - Cannot override padding in print style when transition-duration is set -

i have peculiar problem seems affect chrome (tested in chromium 47.0.2526.73 on ubuntu, chrome 48.0.2564.82 m on windows, firefox 43.0.4 on ubuntu), , in actual print-preview (the problem not occur when emulating print media in developer tools).

i have been trying fix issue print styles in gitlab, in there undesirable gap on left-hand side of page, shown below.

excess margin in print preview on gitlab page

now, 1 expect easy fix. main container element has padding-left of 230px leave room sidebar, needs 0 when printing. however, cannot print style in place eliminates padding.

i have reduced down minimal test case, shown here. i'd use in-place snippet, doesn't work when try print-preview it. source of example follows:

<!doctype html> <html> <head> <title>print style problem demonstration</title> <style type="text/css" media="all"> .page-with-sidebar {   background: purple!important;   transition-duration: .3s; }  @media(min-width: 1199px) {   .page-sidebar-expanded {     padding-left: 230px;   } } </style> <style type="text/css" media="print"> .page-with-sidebar, .page-sidebar-expanded {    padding-left: 0!important;   transition-duration: 0s!important; } </style> </head> <body>  <p>i have no left padding.</p>  <div class="page-sidebar-expanded page-with-sidebar">   <p style="color: white;">i should have no left padding when printed</p> </div>  </body> </html> 

in example, trying eliminate padding of purple p when printing setting padding-left: 0!important; in print style. have isolated problem transition-duration: .3s; style, , problem goes away if removed. however, setting transition-duration: 0s!important; not override it.

purple element unwanted padding in print preview

i have read this thread, relevant find, solutions described not appear work me (making transition screen-only, , adding other transition: none lines).

one further observation of interest the problem relies on @media(min-width: 1199px) rule. if removed, problem goes away.

none of factors i've identified make problem occur changeable me in gitlab, , if i'd love know causing behaviour.

am doing wrong or bug in chrome?

the main issue transition property, can write inside media check following css, have tested , working fine.

    <style type="text/css" media="all">         .page-with-sidebar {             background: purple!important;         }      @media(min-width: 1199px) {         .page-with-sidebar {             transition-duration: .3s;         }         .page-sidebar-expanded {             padding-left: 230px;         }     }     </style>     <style type="text/css" media="print">         .page-with-sidebar, .page-sidebar-expanded {              padding-left: 0!important;         }     </style> 


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