jboss - Active Directory scanning and role mapping -

i running jbpm in jboss wildfly 8 , configured use active directory authentication. configuration follows:

<security-domain name="jbpm_ldap_domain">     <authentication>         <login-module code="ldapextended" flag="required">             <module-option name="java.naming.factory.initial" value="com.sun.jndi.ldap.ldapctxfactory"/>             <module-option name="java.naming.provider.url" value="ldap://serverip"/>             <module-option name="java.naming.security.authentication" value="simple" />             <module-option name="binddn" value="cn=administrator,cn=users,dc=domain,dc=com"/>             <module-option name="bindcredential" value="secretpass"/>             <module-option name="basectxdn" value="ou=myou,dc=domain,dc=com"/>             <module-option name="basefilter" value="(samaccountname={0})"/>             <module-option name="rolesctxdn" value="ou=myou,dc=domain,dc=com"/>             <module-option name="rolefilter" value="(member={1})"/>             <module-option name="roleattributeid" value="memberof"/>             <module-option name="roleattributeisdn" value="true"/>             <module-option name="rolenameattributeid" value="cn"/>             <module-option name="allowemptypasswords" value="false"/>             <module-option name="throwvalidateerror" value="true"/>         </login-module>         <login-module code="rolemapping" flag="optional">             <module-option name="rolesproperties" value="file:${jboss.home.dir}/standalone/configuration/jbpm-roles.properties"/>             <module-option name="replacerole" value="true"/>         </login-module>     </authentication> </security-domain> 


bpm_admin=admin bpm_analyst=analyst bpm_developer=developer bpm_user=user bpm_manager=manager 

so of scanning specific ou roles , user scanning.

i want following way:

  1. scan complete domain users.
  2. scan role group in ou.
  3. user specific group membership should admin rights (bpm_admin=admin)
  4. rest users should have 'user' role.

i not want add users group give them user role in jbpm. instead want set default role user , if need grant admin role add user group have defined admin users in active directory (bpm_admin=admin)

how can achieved?


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