typescript - How to add form values of a component which are created using dynamic component loader? -

i have component loads using dcl. want add control group parent form.i have made plunker demo . dont know how bind child control group parent.

add() {     this._dcl.loadintolocation(dynamiccmp, this._e, 'location').then((ref) => {       ref.instance._ref = ref;       ref.instance._idx = this.idx++;       this._children.push(ref);     }); } 

and how adding components.somebody please tell me how add child controls control in parent form

i don't think can pass dlc component or vice versa. can do, , think handier solution use:

 this.completeform.addcontrol("sku", new control) 

look @ plunker: http://plnkr.co/edit/mahozqqkyv613n1ntelf?p=preview


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