c# - Menu and SubMenu in different frames -

i have little problem clicking on submenu, reason menu tag in 1 frame , submenu in other when switch other frame submenu invisible

my code:

driver.switchto().defaultcontent().switchto().frame("top");  actions actions = new actions(driver); iwebelement menuhoverlink = driver.findelement(by.partiallinktext("cons")); actions.movetoelement(menuhoverlink); actions.build().perform();  driver.switchto().defaultcontent().switchto().frame("content").findelement(by.id("elem3")).click(); 


unexpected error. element not visible , may not interacted with

does have idea can in case?


try use explicit wait

driver.switchto().frame("content"); webdriverwaitwait wait = new webdriverwait(driver, timespan.fromseconds(10)); wait.until(expectedconditions.elementisvisible(by.id("elem3"))).click(); 

or use send keys

actions.movetoelement(menuhoverlink).build().perform();          menuhoverlink.sendkeys(openqa.selenium.keys.arrowdown); menuhoverlink.sendkeys(openqa.selenium.keys.enter); 


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