Start Jboss with Ant. Command exec doesn't work -

i try start jboss ant. when execute script :

<target name="start-jboss" >          <exec executable="${jboss.bin.dir}\run.bat" >                        <arg line="--configuration=myserver -b localhost" />          </exec>  </target>    

jboss blocking @ step :

 [exec] 15:52:55,373 info  [ajpprotocol] initializing coyote ajp/1.3 on ajp-localhost%2f127.0.0.1-8009 

but when run run.bat works... same when add spawn="true" in exec.

i think problem comes eclipse...


to run batchfile use cmd executable, :

<exec dir"yourworkingdir" executable="cmd" failonerror="true"> <arg line="/c ${jboss.bin.dir}\run.bat --configuration=myserver -b localhost"/> </exec> 

if arg line=... doesn't work, use arg value=... every parameter.

edit : if have trouble using batchfile, why not rid of using addtional batchfile , use java task straightforward explained here ?


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