java - Convert a JSON from one format to another? -

i have stream formatted in json, want transform format in order match application's input. example:

{   "id": "133880733349264",    "feed": {     "data": [       {         "message": "message",          "created_time": "2013-03-16t12:12:10+0000",          "id": "133880733349264_477856435618357",         "comments": {           "data": [             {               "message": "message",                "id": "133880733349",               }       ]   } } 

needs be: {

  "feed": {          "identifier": "133880733349264"            "message": "message",          "created_time": "2013-03-16t12:12:10+0000",          "id": "133880733349264_477856435618357",        },   "comments": {              "message": "message",               "id": "133880733349",               "message_id":"133880733349264"           } } 

any ideas or patterns on how use it?

it hardly rocket science.

  1. open input file.
  2. read / parse json file using json library.
  3. convert in-memory data structure new structure.
  4. open output file
  5. unparse in-memory data structure file using json library.

the details of conversion depend on application, , on nature of json library (or bindings) use. if want see available, visit

the other alternative use jslt engine ... that's "xslt json" more or less.

i found few google hits ... once convinced google really mean jslt not jstl. interestingly, questions mention jslt seem misspellings of jstl. (that rings warning bells me approach ...)


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