javascript - Dynamically add options to a Angular chosen combo box -

the following code doesn't work:

<select ui-jq='chosen' ng-model='trainer_list' multiple class="form-control" data-placeholder="select multiple trainers" ng-options=' trainer in trainers'>  </select> 

i took angular bootstrap theme, , i'm struggling use it. want use angular script

$http({         method: 'get',         url: 'http://localhost/training_system/retrieve_train.php?trainer=y' }).success(function (result) {     $scope.trainers = result;  }); 

and use in combo box, can't use static options, apparently ones working. do?

update: tried solution abhilash using ng-repeat instead of ng-options, , worked first few attempts. no longer repeat it, , have empty dropbox. didn't change anything, it's no longer working. possible ui-jq incompatible angularjs?

try one:

<select ui-jq='chosen' ng-model='trainer_list' multiple class="form-control" data-placeholder="select multiple trainers">     <option value="{{}}" ng-repeat="trainer in trainers"> {{}} </option> </select> 

debug variable trainers

just add code anywhere in page debug,

<label> do: remove after testing. trainer = {{trainers}} </label> 

and see values in trainer. variable updating after server call?


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