python - Multiprocessing and global True/False variable -

i'm struggling head around multiprocessing , passing global true/false variable function.

after get_data() finishes want analysis() function start , process data, while fetch() continues running. how can make work? tia

import multiprocessing  ready = false   def fetch():     global ready     get_data()     ready = true     return   def analysis():     analyse_data()  if __name__ == '__main__':     p1 = multiprocessing.process(target=fetch)     p2 = multiprocessing.process(target=analysis)     p1.start()     if ready:         p2.start() 

you should run 2 processes , use shared queue exchange information between them, such signaling completion of action in 1 of processes.

also, need have join() statement wait completion of processes spawn.

from multiprocessing import process, queue import time  def get_data(q):   #do data   time.sleep(2)   #put event in queue signal get_data has finished   q.put('message get_data analyse_data')  def analyse_data(q):   #waiting get_data finish...   msg = q.get()   print msg #will print 'message get_data analyse_data'   #get_data has finished  if __name__ == '__main__':   #create queue exchanging messages between processes   q = queue()   #create processes, , send shared queue them   processes = [process(target=get_data,args(q,)),process(target=analyse_data,args=(q,))]   #start processes   p in processes:     p.start()   #wait until processes complete   p in processes:     p.join() 


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