android - Trouble shooting push notifications with urbanairship -

when trying manage app using urbanairship , trouble shooting 'missing' push notifications, decided write q&a assist other developers.

the common complaint clients is, user on device didn't notification.

occasionally whole group miss out on notifications causing me examine client app , urbanairship dashboard figure out has happened.

the common errors have found on dashboard have been:

received error: received push missing authorization on platform

gcm received error: received push invalid authorization on platform gcm

application not have permission send device original message: error: mismatched sender id

and wanted share how have resolved these.

there several points can cause errors:

  1. mismatched gcmsender ids project number

in gcmsender = #########

the mismatch sender id error happens when sender id incorrect. ensure you're using project number, not id.

enter image description here

  1. mismatched api keys

enter image description here

in urbanairship dashboard, go settings -> services

enter image description here

  1. mismatched package names

the package name optional, if not match though cause problem , can removed altogether - package name, not service!

enter image description here

  1. lack of internet access
    1 thing wary of users lacking skills knowing how use app, , don't overlook internet access.
  • if notifications arrive when connected wifi, confirm background data enabled.
  • background data needs enabled on devices. otherwise pushes can't send gcm android devices until have active wifi connection. pushes lost after leave urban airship. enable background data each version of android os, please consult android documentation. nb*
  1. enabling notifications on device
  • notifications not enabled application itself. notifications enabled or disabled in manage applications screen. navigate there each android os selecting show notifications.

enter image description here

enter image description here

the quotes taken urbanairship gcm troubleshooting guide

nb* there no reasonable ways of ensuring mobile data enabled, @ best user can receive warning when there no wifi connection , mobile data disable latest update on enabling , disabling mobile data programmatically

as extra:

for notification problems on specific device ask client complete form so:

mobile type:
android, ios, other.
example: sony, samsung, apple.
in ios example:
settings -> general -> -> model = mf325x/a
in android example:
settings -> phone -> -> model number = e2353
exact android or ios version
in ios example:
settings -> general -> -> version = 8.3 (12f70)
in android example:
settings -> phone -> android version

that way changes in permissions between os versions, or way push notifications managed, or known bugs in device can explored also.


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