angularjs - Directive inner content with isolated and non-isolated scopes -

i found quite strange behaviour of scope:true type inner content of directive:

<body ng-init="x=10">     <mydir>        {{x}}     </mydir>  </body> 

so {{x}} inner content, , directive definition is:

.directive('mydir', function() {    return {        scope: {},        link: function(scope){            scope.x = 5;        }    }; }); 

when define scope isolated (scope:{}), outputs {{x}} 10, uses outer scope. when create new scope directive(scope:true), use inner content , output 5. uses different scopes inner content 2 cases. give me hint/link souce code/manual explanation inconsistency?

here plnk play code.

upd: understand javascript prototype inheritance. know difference between directive scope types. , aim not display 5 instead of 10. question inner template in both cases should interpolated parent scope, not have access properties of child/isolated one.

in original code snippet, {{x}} not belong <mydir>. should define template directive.

// js .directive('mydir', function() {    return {        template: '{{x}}',        scope: {},        link: function(scope){            scope.x = 5;        }    }; });  // html <body ng-init="x=10">     <mydir></mydir>  </body> 

here the preview


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