javascript - Gulp is reverting all my changes? -

i forked repository: , made changes here: issue is, made changes source code of angular-ui/ui-select when run command gulp try generate minified versions of files, changes seem reverted , minified files generated not new changes want. here contents of gulpfile.js:

var fs = require('fs'); var gulp = require('gulp'); var karma = require('karma').server; var concat = require('gulp-concat'); var jshint = require('gulp-jshint'); var header = require('gulp-header'); var footer = require('gulp-footer'); var rename = require('gulp-rename'); var es = require('event-stream'); var del = require('del'); var uglify = require('gulp-uglify'); var minifyhtml = require('gulp-minify-html'); var minifycss = require('gulp-minify-css'); var templatecache = require('gulp-angular-templatecache'); var gutil = require('gulp-util'); var plumber = require('gulp-plumber');//to prevent pipe breaking caused errors @ 'watch'  var config = {   pkg : json.parse(fs.readfilesync('./package.json')),   banner:       '/*!\n' +       ' * <%= %>\n' +       ' * <%= pkg.homepage %>\n' +       ' * version: <%= pkg.version %> - <%= timestamp %>\n' +       ' * license: <%= pkg.license %>\n' +       ' */\n\n\n' };  gulp.task('default', ['build','test']); gulp.task('build', ['scripts', 'styles']); gulp.task('test', ['build', 'karma']);  gulp.task('watch', ['build','karma-watch'], function() {['src/**/*.{js,html}'], ['build']); });  gulp.task('clean', function(cb) {   del(['dist'], cb); });  gulp.task('scripts', ['clean'], function() {    var buildtemplates = function () {     return gulp.src('src/**/*.html')       .pipe(minifyhtml({              empty: true,              spare: true,              quotes: true             }))       .pipe(templatecache({module: ''}));   };    var buildlib = function(){     return gulp.src(['src/common.js','src/*.js'])       .pipe(plumber({         errorhandler: handleerror       }))       .pipe(concat('select_without_templates.js'))       .pipe(header('(function () { \n"use strict";\n'))       .pipe(footer('\n}());'))       .pipe(jshint())       .pipe(jshint.reporter('jshint-stylish'))       .pipe(jshint.reporter('fail'));   };    return es.merge(buildlib(), buildtemplates())     .pipe(plumber({       errorhandler: handleerror     }))     .pipe(concat('select.js'))     .pipe(header(config.banner, {       timestamp: (new date()).toisostring(), pkg: config.pkg     }))     .pipe(gulp.dest('dist'))     .pipe(uglify({preservecomments: 'some'}))     .pipe(rename({ext:'.min.js'}))     .pipe(gulp.dest('dist'));  });  gulp.task('styles', ['clean'], function() {    return gulp.src('src/common.css')     .pipe(header(config.banner, {       timestamp: (new date()).toisostring(), pkg: config.pkg     }))     .pipe(rename('select.css'))     .pipe(gulp.dest('dist'))     .pipe(minifycss())     .pipe(rename({ext:'.min.css'}))     .pipe(gulp.dest('dist'));  });  gulp.task('karma', ['build'], function() {   karma.start({configfile : __dirname +'/karma.conf.js', singlerun: true}); });  gulp.task('karma-watch', ['build'], function() {   karma.start({configfile :  __dirname +'/karma.conf.js', singlerun: false}); });  var handleerror = function (err) {   console.log(err.tostring());   this.emit('end'); }; 

i don't see why changes reverted because own forked repository. appreciated. thanks!

everything in dist directory created gulp - not minified files. if want make changes, edit appropriate file under src directory.


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