javascript - How to change Form colors dynamically with AngularJS? -

i have angularjs app , i'm trying change form borders live when user enters string textbox.

<input type="url" name="site" class="form-control" ng-model="site" required maxlength="255"> 

basically i'm using ngmessages validate form.

so when form valid ng-valid class input field.

when form invalid ng-invalid class input field.

now idea assign css styling these selectors , change border's color. didn't!, {     border-color: green; };, {     border-color: red; }; 

when run code, green showed (when valid) , red didn't (while should have been red).

so it's 2nd css rule isn't being inspected. if change order, red shows , green doesn't.

what issue here? don't understand why such thing happen.


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