jquery - How to get the current line position in the contenteditable div using javascript on keypress -

this question has answer here:

i creating customize editor using contenteditable div, need javascript code calculate line position of current caret position on keypress event. please make sure should work when add new line or remove line.

this contenteditable div format

<div contenteditable="true" id="editor">   <b>heading</b>   <br/>   line 1   <br/>   line 2   <br/>   line 3   <br/>   line 4   <br/>   line 5 </div> 

please see fiddle:

use <pre> instead.


<pre  contenteditable="true" id="editor"> line 1 line 2 line 3 line 4 line 5</pre>  <input id="addbtn" type="button" value="add line"/>  


$('#editor').on("mouseup", function getpos() {     var sel = document.getselection(),         nd = sel.anchornode,         text = nd.textcontent.slice(0, sel.focusoffset);      var linenum=text.split("\n").length;     alert(linenum); });  $('#addbtn').click(function(){    var str = "new line";    elem = document.getelementbyid("editor");    elem.innerhtml =  elem.innerhtml +"\n" + str;         }); 

i've updated jsfiddle, , used pre instead <br/> (for line breaks) fiddle


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