testing - How to detect change in view in appium(java) :android -

i automating test cases android app using appium (java). stuck on interesting scenario:

my test case change view of products clicking on icon.
that's done.
need verify view has been changed or not, here actual problem comes.
in both cases parent class android.widget.gridview , subclass android.widget.relativelayout
- the way appear on screen changed (first appeared in list type , later in grid type).
i using uiautomator ui elements.
how detect change?
help/ suggestion /work around greatful
i attaching screenshots of ui automator.
both views

you know result view going get. verify if element visible or not.

list<webelement> view = driver.findelements(by.classname("android.view.view")); system.out.println(view);  if (view.size() > 0 || view != null) {     viewfound = true; }  


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