html - How to fix cutting edge of php date-picker on bootstrap modal form? -

am using php date-picker on twitter bootstrap modal form, design issue it.

when modal-form appears on-click event, didn't displayed proper date-picker design on modal form.

this mozilla firefox v12.0, , ie-8 browsers.


enter image description here

here code snippet

<div class="modal-body">     <div id="firdiv" style="float:left; height:210px; width:260px; padding-bottom:30px;">      <!--php datepicker -->      <?php         include_once('calendar/tc_calendar.php');         $curr_date = date("y-m-d", time());         $datepicker2=plugins_url('calendar/', __file__);         $mycalendar = new tc_calendar("date1");         $mycalendar->seticon($datepicker2."images/iconcalendar.gif");         $mycalendar->setdate(date("d"), date("m"), date("y"));         $mycalendar->setpath($datepicker2);         $mycalendar->setyearinterval(2035,date('y'));         $mycalendar->dateallow($curr_date, "2035-03-01", false);         $mycalendar->setonchange("mychanged()");         $mycalendar->writescript();     ?>     </div> </div> 

may inline css it.

if has knowledge design issue post me or how fix that? in advance


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