ios - Developing a simple Course Management System for iPhone using Xcode using Table Views only -

i have build course management app. using table views app. using table view controllers.

the first view contains semesters - 1,2,3,4....12.

the second view contains details respective previous table view controller.

the details in second table view controller are: lectures, papers, to-do list, record lecture.

depending on user's selection, can access lectures, papers, list, record lecture particular semester. not able figure out how pass data third view fourth , subsequent views. eg. lecture->lecture 1: introduction->download pdf.

how assign specific table view controller when user taps particular cell? using seques or cellforrowatindexpath method?

i confused. kindly me in regard. highly appreciated.

you in didselectrowatindexpath. here prepare view want present , push navigationcontroller. instance:

// on user tap, present details want.  - (void)tableview:(uitableview *)tableview didselectrowatindexpath:(nsindexpath *)indexpath {          detailviewcontroller *detail = [[detailviewcontroller alloc] initwithdictionary:dict];         [self.navigationcontroller pushviewcontroller:detail animated:yes];  } 

additionally, these relevant links trying accomplish:

-navigation controllers

-table views


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