linux - configure virtualbox vms to use proxy settings of host -

i have 6 vms testing purpose in virtualbox. have proxy @ work , not have proxy @ home. switch settings , internet inside vms. there has way vms adapt system settings of host, or wrong? google didn't quite yet. found article microsoft loop interface, nothing linux. way use linux since october, new operation system

some system details: host:

  • arch-linux gnome shell , virtualbox 5.0.12


  • ubuntu, win7, win8, centos6 nat bridge internet purpose , host-only adapter internal network

anybody experience in matter can me?

i had same problems had. wanted configure vm's on corporate proxy. googling did not me either. after lots of trials , errors, managed connect internet.

what did configure proxy settings in guest os.

i using ubuntu guest os , easy configure proxy settings follows:

sudo gedit /etc/apt/apt.conf 

it opens following file:

acquire::http::proxy "http://username:pass@myproxyaddress:port/"; acquire::https::proxy "https://username:pass@myproxyaddress:port/"; acquire::ftp::proxy "ftp://username:pass@myproxyaddress:port/"; acquire::socks::proxy "socks://username:pass@myproxyaddress:port/"; 

and should change username, pass, myproxyaddress , port own information. should go. apps firefox may still not able work can configure them manually.

i have done in ubuntu theoretically work linux systems. don't how configure system wide proxy windows or solve problem should work it.

hope helps.

ps: virtual host adapter blocking host os (windows). can either bridge or disable network adapter host , guest os can connect internet.


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