parallel processing - Code implementation for openmp -
i want implement following sequential code in openmp (2 core) parallel computing.
which modifications should run openmp? if me appreciated. in advance
program potential parameter (imx=201, jmx=201) common /pars/ imax,jmax,kmax,kout common /grid/ dr,dth,r(imx),th(jmx),x(imx,jmx),y(imx,jmx) common /vars/ phi_k(imx,jmx),phi_kp1(imx,jmx) data rl2,rl2allow /1.,1.e-7/ input data, generate grid data , initialize solution call init c..start iterative solution loop k = 0 while (k .lt. kmax .and. rl2 .gt. rl2allow) k = k + 1 call bc c..point iterative solutions call sor c..line iterative solution c call slor c..update phi_k array , evaluate residual rl2=0. j = 2,jmax-1 = 2,imax-1 rl2 = rl2 + (phi_kp1(i,j) - phi_k(i,j))**2 phi_k(i,j) = phi_kp1(i,j) enddo enddo rl2 = sqrt(rl2/((imax-2)*(jmax-2))) print*, 'residual@k=',k,rl2 c..output intermediate solutions if( mod(k,kout).eq.0 .and. call io(k) enddo call io(k) stop end subroutine sor parameter (imx=201, jmx=201) common /pars/ imax,jmax,kmax,kout common /grid/ dr,dth,r(imx),th(jmx),x(imx,jmx),y(imx,jmx) common /vars/ phi_k(imx,jmx),phi_kp1(imx,jmx) beta2 = (dr/dth)**2 c..solve phi^k+1 = 2,imax-1 c1 = beta2/r(i)**2 c2 = 0.5*dr/r(i) c3 = 0.5/(1.+c1) j = 2,jmax-1 c..implement point jacobi, gauss-seidel , sor methods phi_kp1(i,j) = c3*((1.-c2)*phi_k(i-1,j) + (1.+c2)*phi_k(i+1,j) > + c1*(phi_k(i,j-1) + phi_k(i,j+1)) ) enddo enddo return end subroutine init parameter (imx=201, jmx=201) common /pars/ imax,jmax,kmax,kout common /grid/ dr,dth,r(imx),th(jmx),x(imx,jmx),y(imx,jmx) common /vars/ phi_k(imx,jmx),phi_kp1(imx,jmx) data r1,r2/1.0,5.0/, imax,jmax/101,91/ input parameters imax, jmax print*, 'enter kmax , kout :' read(*,*) kmax, kout pi = 4.*atan(1.) dr = (r2-r1)/float(imax-1) dth = pi/float(jmax-1) c..grid generation j=1,jmax i=1,imax r(i) = r1 + dr*(i-1) th(j) = dth*(j-1) x(i,j) = r(i)*cos(th(j)) y(i,j) = r(i)*sin(th(j)) c...initialize phi arrays phi_k(i,j) = r(i)*cos(th(j)) phi_kp1(i,j) = 0. enddo enddo call bc call io(1) return end c------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine bc parameter (imx=201, jmx=201) common /pars/ imax,jmax,kmax,kout common /grid/ dr,dth,r(imx),th(jmx),x(imx,jmx),y(imx,jmx) common /vars/ phi_k(imx,jmx),phi_kp1(imx,jmx) = 1,imax phi_k(i,1) = phi_k(i,2) phi_kp1(i,1) = phi_k(i,2) phi_k(i,jmax) = phi_k(i,jmax-1) phi_kp1(i,jmax) = phi_k(i,jmax-1) enddo j = 1,jmax phi_k(1,j) = phi_k(2,j) phi_kp1(1,j) = phi_k(2,j) phi_k(imax,j) = r(imax)*cos(th(j)) phi_kp1(imax,j) = phi_k(imax,j) enddo return end c------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine velocity(vx,vy) parameter (imx=201, jmx=201) common /pars/ imax,jmax,kmax,kout common /grid/ dr,dth,r(imx),th(jmx),x(imx,jmx),y(imx,jmx) common /vars/ phi_k(imx,jmx),phi_kp1(imx,jmx) dimension vx(imx,jmx),vy(imx,jmx) j = 1,jmax = 1,imax if(i .eq. 1) vr = (phi_k(2,j)-phi_k(1,j))/dr elseif(i .eq. imax) vr = (phi_k(imax,j)-phi_k(imax-1,j))/dr else vr = 0.5*(phi_k(i+1,j)-phi_k(i-1,j))/dr endif if(j .eq. 1) vth = (phi_k(i,2)-phi_k(i,1))/(dth*r(i)) elseif(j .eq. jmax) vth = (phi_k(i,jmax)-phi_k(i,jmax-1))/(dth*r(i)) else vth = 0.5*(phi_k(i,j+1)-phi_k(i,j-1))/(dth*r(i)) endif vx(i,j) = vr*cos(th(j)) - vth*sin(th(j)) vy(i,j) = vr*sin(th(j)) + vth*cos(th(j)) enddo enddo return end c------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine io(k) c..output solution in tecplot format parameter (imx=201, jmx=201) common /pars/ imax,jmax,kmax,kout common /grid/ dr,dth,r(imx),th(jmx),x(imx,jmx),y(imx,jmx) common /vars/ phi_k(imx,jmx),phi_kp1(imx,jmx) dimension vx(imx,jmx),vy(imx,jmx) character fname*32,string*8,ext*5 call velocity(vx,vy) write(string,'(f8.5)') float(k)/100000 read(string,'(3x,a5)') ext fname = 'vars-'//ext//'.tec' open(1,file=fname,form='formatted') write(1,*) ' variables="x","y","phi","u","v" ' write(1,*) ' zone i=',imax, ', j=',jmax j = 1,jmax = 1,imax write(1,*) x(i,j),y(i,j),phi_k(i,j),vx(i,j),vy(i,j) enddo enddo close(1) return end c------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine thomas(mx,il,iu,a,b,c,r) c............................................................ c solution of tridiagonal system of n equations of form c a(i)*x(i-1) + b(i)*x(i) + c(i)*x(i+1) = r(i) i=il,iu c solution x(i) stored in f(i) c a(il-1) , c(iu+1) not used. c a,b,c,r arrays provided user c............................................................ dimension a(mx),b(mx),c(mx),r(mx),x(mx) x(il)=c(il)/b(il) r(il)=r(il)/b(il) i=il+1,iu z=1./(b(i)-a(i)*x(i-1)) x(i)=c(i)*z r(i)=(r(i)-a(i)*r(i-1))*z enddo i=iu-1,il,-1 r(i)=r(i)-x(i)*r(i+1) enddo return end
looking @ iterative part of code (lines 14-37) observe there 2 invocations (bc , sor) execute code in loops. these potential places put openmp directives. in both routines, loops not expose data dependencies prevent execution in parallel apply following transformations.
for bc routine (below) can use 2 times !$omp parallel distribute work of 2 loops (one directive each loop) among available threads.
subroutine bc parameter (imx=201, jmx=201) common /pars/ imax,jmax,kmax,kout common /grid/ dr,dth,r(imx),th(jmx),x(imx,jmx),y(imx,jmx) common /vars/ phi_k(imx,jmx),phi_kp1(imx,jmx) !$omp parallel shared(imax,phi_k,phi_kp1) = 1,imax phi_k(i,1) = phi_k(i,2) phi_kp1(i,1) = phi_k(i,2) phi_k(i,jmax) = phi_k(i,jmax-1) phi_kp1(i,jmax) = phi_k(i,jmax-1) enddo !$omp end parallel !$omp parallel shared(jmax,phi_k,phi_kp1) j = 1,jmax phi_k(1,j) = phi_k(2,j) phi_kp1(1,j) = phi_k(2,j) phi_k(imax,j) = r(imax)*cos(th(j)) phi_kp1(imax,j) = phi_k(imax,j) enddo !$omp end parallel return end
and sor, can distribute work of outer loop among threads. in case, each thread require private copy of temporal variables (c1, c2, c3) , iterative variable (j).
subroutine sor parameter (imx=201, jmx=201) common /pars/ imax,jmax,kmax,kout common /grid/ dr,dth,r(imx),th(jmx),x(imx,jmx),y(imx,jmx) common /vars/ phi_k(imx,jmx),phi_kp1(imx,jmx) beta2 = (dr/dth)**2 c..solve phi^k+1 c$omp parallel private(c1,c2,c3,j) shared(imax,jmax,phi_kp1,phi_k) = 2,imax-1 c1 = beta2/r(i)**2 c2 = 0.5*dr/r(i) c3 = 0.5/(1.+c1) j = 2,jmax-1 c..implement point jacobi, gauss-seidel , sor methods phi_kp1(i,j) = c3*((1.-c2)*phi_k(i-1,j) + (1.+c2)*phi_k(i+1,j) > + c1*(phi_k(i,j-1) + phi_k(i,j+1)) ) enddo enddo c$omp end parallel return end
you may want explore rest of code , see further parallelization opportunities. may use profiler (gprof, tau, vampir, paraver) identify application hotspots , focus parallelization there.
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