php - Installing ssh2 on xampp -

i trying install ssh2 on xampp

  • xampp version : 3.2.1
  • php version : 5.4.19

until have used following step install:

  1. download , copied libssh2.dll file c:\windows\system32

  2. php_ssh2.dll , php_ssh2.pdb files in "ext" (e.g c:\xampp\php\ext) folder;

  3. remove ; line extention:php_ssh2.dll in php.ini.

  4. restart xampp

but getting error in log file:

unable load dynamic library php_ssh2.dll

can me this?

a couple of things may have missed :-

  • you need thread safe (-ts-) version of php_ssh2
  • you need make sure 32 or 64 bit version match php/apache and not match os
  • you need version of php_ssh2 matches php version i.e. 5.4

having here download there 32bit version of ssh2 compiled vc9 available php5.4, have ensure have 32bit version of xampp installed.

oh , final note, you not need, , should not do, copy of php_ssh2.dll c:\windows\system32 remove dll folder. php knows load extensions , putting files in c:\windows\system32 confuse things when want upgrade version of xampp.


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