unity5 - Unity3D hi res image of Canvas -

i have canvas in unity3d images , text. need able turn canvas picture of set resolution, no matter resolution mobile app running on.

i creating texture2d of desired picture resolution , use set pixels of images in canvas, not work text. how font well?

another thing use camera take picture of canvas, reliant on screen resolution. there way overcome this?

ui has option automatically adjust range size assigning minimum , maximum @ source.

but perhaps interested in investigating uiautolayout.

http://docs.unity3d.com/manual/script-text.html ui-text , paragraph, best fit. assign min size , max size.

as each picture want assign maximum resolution has texture or want most. assigning devices , platforms deploy. http://docs.unity3d.com/manual/class-textureimporter.html

beware automatic adjustment, misconfiguration causes loss of quality images , text fonts, automatic rescaling.

hope can you.


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