angularjs - 403 forbidden on bower components -

i use apache virtual host server. use yeoman generate angular app template. reason, when launch site, can see index page console gave me 403 forbidden errors on bower components bootstrap, angular.js...etc. not sure did wrong. can help? thanks!

my v-host file

<virtualhost *:80>     serveradmin     documentroot "/users/john/testproject/app"     servername testproject.localhost     errorlog "/private/var/log/apache2/testproject-error_log"     customlog "/private/var/log/apache2/testproject-access_log" common     <directory "/users/john/testproject/app">         options indexes followsymlinks multiviews         allowoverride         order allow,deny         allow         require granted     </directory> </virtualhost> 

my project structure.

testproject    app         bower_components <-symlink    bower_components        angular     <----403 error        bootstrap   <----403 error        ...etc    gruntfile.js    bower.json 

my url on browser


thanks help!

you need move project under /var/www/ directory /user directory not accessible apache2 , after moving folder check permission , set permission 777

sudo chmod -r 755 folder_path 

if still don't work set

sudo chmod -r 777 folder path 

and restart apache2. don't forget change path in apache2 config file.


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