Android view with multi-directional swipe gestures -
i have view textview
containing long text, view has give user facility of scrolling through text.
also, textview
must allow swipe right , left on instances of view.
i've got scroll working scollingmovementmethod
left , right swipe doesn't work.
for enabling swipe gesture left,right,up or down, follow below steps:
step 1: create java file simplegesturefilter
import; import android.view.gesturedetector; import android.view.motionevent; /** * created nihal on 1/21/2016. */ public class simplegesturefilter extends gesturedetector.simpleongesturelistener { public final static int swipe_up= 1; public final static int swipe_down= 2; public final static int swipe_left= 3; public final static int swipe_right = 4; public final static int mode_transparent = 0; public final static int mode_solid= 1; public final static int mode_dynamic= 2; private final static int action_fake = -13; //just unlikely number private int swipe_min_distance = 100; private int swipe_max_distance = 350; private int swipe_min_velocity = 100; private int mode = mode_dynamic; private boolean running = true; private boolean tapindicator = false; private activity context; private gesturedetector detector; private simplegesturelistener listener; public simplegesturefilter(activity context,simplegesturelistener sgl) { this.context = context; this.detector = new gesturedetector(context, this); this.listener = sgl; } public void ontouchevent(motionevent event){ if(!this.running) return; boolean result = this.detector.ontouchevent(event); if(this.mode == mode_solid) event.setaction(motionevent.action_cancel); else if (this.mode == mode_dynamic) { if(event.getaction() == action_fake) event.setaction(motionevent.action_up); else if (result) event.setaction(motionevent.action_cancel); else if(this.tapindicator){ event.setaction(motionevent.action_down); this.tapindicator = false; } } //else nothing, it's transparent } public void setmode(int m){ this.mode = m; } public int getmode(){ return this.mode; } public void setenabled(boolean status){ this.running = status; } private static final int swipe_min_distance = 120; private static final int swipe_max_off_path = 250; private static final int swipe_threshold_velocity = 200; @override public boolean onfling(motionevent e1, motionevent e2, float velocityx, float velocityy) { try { if (math.abs(e1.gety() - e2.gety()) > swipe_max_off_path) { return false; } // right left swipe if (e1.getx() - e2.getx() > swipe_min_distance && math.abs(velocityx) > swipe_threshold_velocity) { // right left this.listener.onswipe(swipe_left); }if (e2.getx() - e1.getx() > swipe_min_distance && math.abs(velocityx) > swipe_threshold_velocity) { // right left this.listener.onswipe(swipe_right); } else if (e2.getx() - e1.getx() > swipe_min_distance && math.abs(velocityx) > swipe_threshold_velocity) { // bottom this.listener.onswipe(swipe_up); } } catch (exception e) { } return false; } @override public boolean onsingletapup(motionevent e) { this.tapindicator = true; return false; } @override public boolean ondoubletap(motionevent arg0) { this.listener.ondoubletap();; return true; } @override public boolean ondoubletapevent(motionevent arg0) { return true; } @override public boolean onsingletapconfirmed(motionevent arg0) { if(this.mode == mode_dynamic){// owe action_up, fake an arg0.setaction(action_fake);//action converted action_up later. this.context.dispatchtouchevent(arg0); } return false; } public interface simplegesturelistener{ void onswipe(int direction); void ondoubletap(); } }
step 2: extend appcompatactivity , implement simplegesturefilter.simplegesturelistener in activity this:
public class youractivity extends appcompatactivity implements simplegesturefilter.simplegesturelistener { //inside of activity, code here }
step 3: define
private simplegesturefilter detector;
step4: in oncreate method add this:
detector = new simplegesturefilter(this,this);
now youractivity should
public class youractivity extends appcompatactivity implements simplegesturefilter.simplegesturelistener { private simplegesturefilter detector; @override protected void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) { super.oncreate(savedinstancestate); setcontentview(r.layout.yourlayout); detector = new simplegesturefilter(this,this); } // add codes swipe gesture here }
step 5: add codes swipe gesture in youractivity
public class sources extends appcompatactivity implements simplegesturefilter.simplegesturelistener { private simplegesturefilter detector; @override protected void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) { super.oncreate(savedinstancestate); setcontentview(r.layout.sources); detector = new simplegesturefilter(this,this); } @override public boolean dispatchtouchevent(motionevent me){ this.detector.ontouchevent(me); return super.dispatchtouchevent(me); } @override public void onswipe(int direction) { string str = ""; switch (direction) { case simplegesturefilter.swipe_right : //**code** here wanna **right swipe** case simplegesturefilter.swipe_left : //**code** here wanna **left swipe** case simplegesturefilter.swipe_down : break; case simplegesturefilter.swipe_up : break; } } @override public void ondoubletap() { toast.maketext(this, "try swiping left", toast.length_long).show(); }
follow above steps correctly, able make swipe gestures work
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