App Engine/Go: 'goapp serve' giving an error "Go application could not be built" error -

i trying use go app engine sdk go , when run goapp serve, following error in printed browser after going http://localhost:8080 (i similar errors in terminal):

the go application not built.

(executed command: c:\go_appengine\goroot\bin\go-app-builder.exe -app_base c:\projects\go\davilex -arch 6 -dynamic -goroot c:\go_appengine\goroot -nobuild_files ^^$ -unsafe -gopath c:\projects\go -print_extras_hash controllers\form\form.go main.go controllers\pages\pages.go models\form.go)

2016/01/20 22:10:42 go-app-builder: failed parsing input: parser: bad import "syscall" in colorable_windows.go gopath

seems there somewhat similar question here few days ago, no resolve: bad import "syscall" cloud storage apis

at first thought because had both python 2.7.x , 3.5.x installed , the docs work v 2.7.x, uninstalled 3.5.x references, removed sdk , reinstalled it/unzipped/added path path.

i can run gcloud, goapp , go fine should set correctly far can tell, , doing regular go run main.go runs fine , works, can't seem able use goapp serve , have no clue go error above.


i created dummy project , added simple set of code it:

package main  import "net/http"  func init() {     http.handlefunc("/", handler) }  func handler(w http.responsewriter, r *http.request) {     w.write([]byte("hello world!")) } 

and error seems have gone away , works fine. problem must occuring either code or use of package.

hope may similar problem. try creating project , see if works. if does, know issue coming from.

i created dummy project , added simple set of code it:

package main  import "net/http"  func init() {     http.handlefunc("/", handler) }  func handler(w http.responsewriter, r *http.request) {     w.write([]byte("hello world!")) } 

and error seems have gone away , works fine. problem must occuring either code or use of package.

hope may similar problem. try creating project , see if works. if does, know issue coming from.


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