asynchronous - How to wait for free Akka actor while processing stream of data using Plays Iteratee -

i have infinite stream messages represented plays enumerator apply iteratee. each message processed akka actor (number of actors limited 10).

now code in iteratee asynchronously wait free actor if 10 actors busy , not send them messages leads exception ask timed out on ....

how can achieve such functionality? there better way process infinite stream 10 actors without await?

example of code talking this:

val workers = context.actorof(props[myworker].withrouter(roundrobinrouter(10))) val = iteratee.foreach[msg] { msg =>    workers ? msg }  msgenumerator.apply(it) 

use iteratee.foldm actor ask pattern have here seems right approach. assuming don't want actors build large mailboxes (if don't care large mailboxes, use tell , iteratee.foreach instead of ask) require specialized routing logic. since api making custom akka router doesn't support asynchrony, need custom actor handle logic of distributing 1 piece of work each actor in actor pool @ time.

i imagine working like:

class workdistributor extends actor {   final val num_workers = 10   val workers = context.actorof(props[myworker].withrouter(roundrobinrouter(num_workers)))     var numactiveworkers = 0   var queuedwork: option[work] = none    def receive = {     case iterateework(work) if numactiveworkers < num_workers => workers ! work; numactiveworkers += 1; sender ! sendmemorework     case iterateework(work) => queuedwork = some(work)     case actorfinishedwork if queuedwork.isdefined => queuedwork.foreach(workers ! _); queuedwork = none     case actorfinishedwork => numactiveworkers -= 1; sender ! sendmemorework   } } 

where iterateework message sent iteratee , actorfinishedwork message sent actors in actor pool.

looking @ thing wrote, should rewritten use become change behavior when actor pool full (rather if filters on each case leave exercise reader.

then iteratee

iteratee.foldm[work, sendmemorework.type](sendmemorework) {   case (_, work) => workdistributor ? iterateework(work) } 


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